Sunday, August 18, 2024

 Suspended in Lynn Canyon

Recently we had Rowan for a sleepover and a day of adventure. We started the day in North Vancouver at Lynn Canyon where we surprised Rowan with the suspension bridge over the canyon.

The bridge is suspended 150' above the river canyon. Rowan was a bit apprehensive at first but went across with minimum fuss. While on the other side we took the trail a few hundred feet upstream so Rowan could play among the boulders on the edge of the river. The river is fairly small and quiet this time of year so there was a fair amount safe space to play in.

Once we went back across the bridge we headed into the Ecology Centre and learned about the flora and fauna in the area, as well as received information on how to help protect the environment through interactive displays.

It was Pirate Pack Day at White Spot, so what better way to reward Rowan for his bravery going over the suspension bridge. Even the adults were served Pirate Packs this day, every two dollars from the pirate packs sold went to charity, so we were happy to do our bit.

After lunch we treated Rowan to yet another new place, this time we took him to New Brighton Park in East Vancouver situated close the Second Narrows Bridge. The park gave Rowan a playground to explore, as well as a grass field to run around on and a new experience of seeing a freighter ship up close and personal.

We also watched the marine traffic go past us; various tugs, pleasure craft and commercial ships sailed past while we were there.

Once back at Grandma's house, Grandpa and Rowan took his bike to a local park and Rowan got some good practice at riding his bike on the children's bike oval. To be honest, I think Grandma had a nap while we were at the park - shhh.

Before long the day was drawing to a close and time to get Rowan back home so he could sleep in his own bed. An extended visit with the other members of his family were enjoyed while we were there before we said goodnight to all and headed back to Grandma's house.


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