Spent the day in North Vancouver on Sunday caching with Ken and Alan; we picked up 25 caches on the day. Pretty good day in all, weather was great and the caches were all found.
As you'll notice the blog entry is kinda slim; that's for two reasons.
#1 A lot of the caches we found were ordinary, not much to excite the senses. We did find a couple of good ones, one most excellent one! But I can't write about it without spoiling the find.
I will tell you the cache though; it is the cache called "The Mostly Jazz cache..By Swimming Hole" hidden by Chief Fakawee, GC13AGE
That one is worthy of mention, just a great great hide!
Oh, another one is called "Creekside Stumper" by Wackoang GC16HJG. Again, another great cache hide where the cache owner spent a lot of time making the cache container blend into the natural surroundings. Great job!!
#2 A lot of the scenery that I would have taken pictures of looks very much like pictures I have taken before. Getting out and about as much as I do, and taking as many photos as I do, after a while the forests around the Lower mainland all begin to look alike, especially through the lens.
While we seen some great scenery, I already have tons of "those" pictures on my web site for you to see.....

I've posted a couple of pictures here on the blog, the rest can be seen on my Flickr site here
Short post this time, most of the day was routine.......or maybe I just didn't have the creative juices flowing....